Sustainable manufacturing means making products in a way that does not harm the environment.
From reducing the amount of materials and chemicals used during production to environmentally-friendly packaging and making them more energy efficient, there are many ways in which manufacturers can impact sustainability.
There are increasingly strict laws that limit the use of toxic substances, levels of pollution and even the amount of energy a product can use.
Circular Computing™ have taken this a step further by remanufacturing laptops. Rather than use virgin raw materials to build a laptop from scratch, we disassemble, repair and upgrade existing laptops to give the original unit a new lease of life.
To manufacture just one new laptop, a huge amount of the Earth’s resources are used up, adding to the immense carbon footprint of the IT industry.
The unique Circular Computing™ remanufacturing process ensures that not only is the laptop of the highest quality, but it is also a carbon-neutral product and helps to cool the Earth through reforestation, clean energy projects and avoiding e-waste.

Sustainable manufacturing means making products in a way that does not harm the environment.
From reducing the amount of materials and chemicals used during production to environmentally-friendly packaging and making them more energy efficient, there are many ways in which manufacturers can impact sustainability.
There are increasingly strict laws that limit the use of toxic substances, levels of pollution and even the amount of energy a product can use.
Circular Computing™ have taken this a step further by remanufacturing laptops. Rather than use virgin raw materials to build a laptop from scratch, we disassemble, repair and upgrade existing laptops to give the original unit a new lease of life.